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Enjoy all your digital stuff on your big TV with RaspTV while giving a kid a great start with a RasPi computer

​​How does this work?

Simple. We fund each RasPi computer with the sale of 3 RaspTVs.  All these reserved RasPis will be deployed, through our Charity Partners, to households with children that cannot afford a computer, locally and in the region.


Remember, each RaspTV you buy from us, you help increase the pool of reserved RasPis 1/3 at a time!

Ok, what is a RasPi computer?

It's a teeny-weeny credit-card sized 1-piece computer that causing the buzz in the IT hobbyist community now.  It is a low cost computer that is paired with the powerful Linux software that we can now place cheaply in every kid's hand.  It is powerful enough to be a mini home computer and as a platform for learning and exploration.


And we place them for a great start.  Our RasPi computers comes with educational software, children audio and picture books and even a Office suite.  All affectionately sourced from the open-source community to keep it cheap and good!

So come and support us!

Grab your RaspTV that will fund our pool of RasPi reserved for kids.  We commit 1/3 of a RasPi to this pool with every RaspTV we sell. Support us at our online store!

Are RaspTV and RaspPi related?

Yes, they are cousins!  Seriously, they are are built on the same hardware called the Raspberry Pi.  More informaton about Raspberry Pi here!

RaspTv? Smarten your TV.

Ever wanted to watch contents from the Internet (e.g YouTube) or your digital copies of movies on your LCD TV rather than on a puny computer screen?  RaspTV is for you.  It is the missing link for you to enjoy your digital content, to smarten up your TV.  Some called it a Home Theatre Personal Computer (HTPC) that is based on the Openelec flavour of the XBMC media server for the the Raspberry Pi computer.....whao, let's just call it RaspTV.

About us
RasPi? RaspTV?
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